Hello, My name is Yoga, usually people call me YogaBear. Catching up with age on every 12th April. I usually write about random stuff here, just about life and well things that I feel about certain issues, or just simply a topic on which I think everyone has different views on.
If you don't like what you read, then hey, just don't bother about it, because I don't really care about what you think because people are different, but if you're here just to read about my life and to know me, by all means continue❤!
Visit my other friends who had been on the TARDIS, will you?
"Time is something we are all running short of."
"I Will Live For You"
Day 4 & 5 ~

Saturday was a good day, went to church as usual, had a very good and about the power of focus part 2. Then had good fellowship and then I was back home again, studying as usual. What's new right? :P Saturday was a concentrated day on focus. So other than that I've got nothing much to say for saturday :P

As for sunday, I had ministry, and also it's the blood donation week at church, so I wanted to go but guess what after I've filled the form and all.. they said i'm too early. Usually they have a date that you can donate, mine was 9th Sept i think, and actually have a date that's before 9th sept, which is called early period. So i'm technically 8 DAYS EARLIER THAN THE EARLIEST POSSIBLE DONATION DATE. So i've got to wait another week :P Oh well, I'll just have to go down to the bloodbank again, but this time I found a friend to bring along! yay ! :D I had a good time fellowshipping with my ministry members before we started our practice. We apparently met randomly on the way, and then we all went to eat together. Lucky us! We learned to play Freedom. Which to me, I think was rather easier than usual and it's really good, songs that we always learn gets stuck in my head for days and i keep playing the beat on my lap :P Can't wait to train with my leader and then start playing for cell group !(:

In 12 hours time, my final paper is going start, and honestly, I still don't know how to do alot of stuff, but I believe that it will go well, I have to go to sch in the early morning later to do my work, and I hope that I will be able to absorb as much as I can from my friend an focus on what to do, and just do finish the paper and then start my holidays. I pray that it will all go well later, and that it will be a fruitful day for me.

- Disciplined people submit their emotions to wisdom-

I'm missing and loving you more and more each day. (:
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