Hello, My name is Yoga, usually people call me YogaBear. Catching up with age on every 12th April. I usually write about random stuff here, just about life and well things that I feel about certain issues, or just simply a topic on which I think everyone has different views on.
If you don't like what you read, then hey, just don't bother about it, because I don't really care about what you think because people are different, but if you're here just to read about my life and to know me, by all means continue❤!
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"Time is something we are all running short of."
I haven't been updating much cause i've been stuck watching Vampire diaries! :P I wonder why i didn't watch it at first, but omg it's so nice! now I've got to chiong :P Nonetheless, today's given topic is Beauty and how does society see it.

To me, beauty can be defined in many ways. The beauty of nature, the beauty of a person, and the beauty of an action. There are many others also but these 3 to me are the top. Usually when we talk about beauty, we usually think of an object or a woman. Thus the word, beautiful. Sometimes we also have to see the beauty in the little things that we do everyday. When we do something to help others, there beauty in that. Like when you see someone helping the elderly across the street or just having a conversation with one. There's always beauty in something as long we decide to seek it. Even in the hard times, the beauty of it, is that you're still living strong, and you know you're going to get through. The beauty of perseverance. I guess sometimes I too need to see the beauty of things that are unseen to the naked eye. In my problems and my hardship. I guess we all do too. Well another beauty is that of nature, something that I really love. Waking up to a beautiful sunrise in the morning, ( Which i usually miss cause either I sleep just before sun rise and i wake up to a bright sun in my face haha! :P ) But I think nature really adds beauty to this world, and I really love photographers who like to take pictures of them ! Inspires me to take pictures too! :D Other than that, let's go to the beauty of people. This is where usually society comes to play. I suppose society does suck when it comes to looks. I mean we all sure have judged someone just by their look. It's inevitable. But usually I'd like to not try to say something about someone just when I only know them by their looks, cause that way I don't know what kind of judgement I am passing. Could be something because of jealousy or etc. But I believe that we all should just at least try to get to know the person better. Inner beauty of someone really matters. In the end of it all, you're just going to need someone who is really down for you and loves you not just someone who looks good outwardly. What's the point if the person is so pretty/handsome but then inside they're just crappy and i'm sure everyone would have experienced that, doesn't have to be in a relationship but even in friendship. Though I would say the people around me aren't that much of a person who does that, but i've always heard stories from people how the person treats them like crap and all that. I also believe drama spoils some people. HAHA no offence but just my opinion, i love dramas as you can see. But sometimes people are like oh man, i just wanna find someone like him, and then when we ask them what kind of people they look for and they're like " Oh i want a guy exactly like that guy in the drama" and their expectations get so high that even guys whom i've known to have such good heart and looks become nothing. But well, I do hope that people like that will realize when they grow old, that's not going to matter anymore. Beauty is something that we decide to see, sometimes it's just there, so obvious but yet we do not take notice of it and the beauty of the heart is something we all must learn to see and understand, that's the most beautiful thing in this world. L.O.V.E ! 

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