Hello, My name is Yoga, usually people call me YogaBear. Catching up with age on every 12th April. I usually write about random stuff here, just about life and well things that I feel about certain issues, or just simply a topic on which I think everyone has different views on.
If you don't like what you read, then hey, just don't bother about it, because I don't really care about what you think because people are different, but if you're here just to read about my life and to know me, by all means continue❤!
Visit my other friends who had been on the TARDIS, will you?
"Time is something we are all running short of."
"Jelly Legs"
Monday and Tues, hasn't been any special in any way. Monday, I had my CMS(Communication For Business) role play test. Which I would have to choose out of 5 different types of situation I would be in. So I had to randomly pick one. There were "Customer Service, Customer Complain, Tourism, Job Interview, Student Exchange Programme. (If I'm right). I got the "Customer Complain" Which I think was not that hard.

So this was what it was about, I was a Retail Supervisor who sells clothes, and 2 customers who are unhappy with your purchase will be complaining. 1 with receipt and one without. The company policies are " Strictly No Refund! and One to One Exchange if receipt is given and purchase backdates to 3 days."

So the first teacher ( Whom alot of people don't like ) starts by just standing there, and I was like " Aren't you going to start complaining" -.- ! So I asked, Hello, May I know who are you? and he so sacarstic sia, say " WHO AM I?" Of course la! It's not like I suppose to know you are going to complain what. LOL So he said he was the customer and he wants to complain -.- irritating leh! then he explain explain, then he is the one with the receipt, and so I said we will exchange with a new one, and he says he want another type -.- So of course can't mah, so I said our tailor will help you to make sure it is made with much stronger fabrics and sewing in just minutes! So while we were talking the other customer comes in and asks if she could speak to me privately, so I asked the male teacher to proceed to the waiting area, and he was like , WHY MUST I MOVE, YOU ASK HER MOVE ! And she replied, " I'm nice enough to move! " MADE ME LAUGH ACTUALLY AHAH! They had their own little quarrel >< So yeah then i attended to her, and her's was a problem with the skirt's zip that burst and she has no receipt, so she demanded for a refund which I am not allowed to give, blahblah, then the other male teacher was like, HELLO I WAIT 5 MINS ALR, SO WHERE IS HE(THE TAILOR) -.- irritating seriously. HAHA ! BUT, I did okay in my opinion. :D So i'm okay with that! 

These days, the weather is really blazing hot, goodness! But at least at night not so bad, can go for my runs! So yeah I did my 4km run yesterday and today, legs becoming jelly ttm. But it's good! Must keep it up though! *Thought of it kills me* SIDETRACK : I WANT TO WATCH BATMAN SO BAD SERIOUSLY! BATMANNN! NANANANANA BATMANNN~ I noticed so many nice movies coming out this year!

Few movies I want to watch : BATMAN(OF COURSE) Chernobyl Diaries, Ice Age 4, Magic Mike, Total Recall! 

Tomorrow is just going to be another boring day T.T for the week actually due to the test timing, our lessons cancelled and I have long breaks before next lesson :< 
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